Different Types of Folk and Tribal Dances in India

India is a country of multiple casts, creeds, complexion, and religions. Every part of the country has people of different culture and living style. All have their own value. India being a country of diverse culture, there is unique quality in all cultures, appreciated by the world. 

In terms of Indian tribal and folk dances, they are simplly performed to express their pleasure and happiness. Some of the popular dances of Indian states are Kathakali, Kovlam, Kuchipudi, Garba, Namgen, Bayalata, Charkula, Parvi Nach, Dhol Cholom, Goti Pua and many others. These folk dances are performed on special occasion in order to celebrate the birth of a child, arrival of seasons, a wedding and festivals. Below is brief information about top folk and tribal dances of India. 

Kathakali Dance is a Malayalam dance, performed in Kerala. This is a stylized classical Indian dance-drama. This is popular worldwide because of the striking make-up of characters, detailed gestures and elaborate costumes. While performing this dance, characters present well-defined body movements in tune with the anchor playback music and complementary percussion. 

Kuchipudi is the famous dance of the state of Andhra Pradesh. It’s, like Kathakali, a classical Indian dance. Why it has been named Kuchipudi has a popular belief. Actually, Kuchipudi is the name of a village in the Divi Taluka of Krishna district. This district is the border area of Bay of Bengal and also the surname of the resident Brahmins. Practicing this traditional dance form, it acquired the present name.


Garba is traditionally performed in Gujarat during Navratri festival. This dance is performed by women. While dancing, women do a circular pattern of movement and rhythmic clapping. 

The Namgen Dance is a folk dance of Himachal Pradesh, performed in the month of September for celebrating the autumnal hues. To perform this dance, women wear large wooden costumes and stud richly with ornaments of silver. Mostly men and women dance together.

People of Karnataka performs Bayalata dance, which is a form of Yakshagana. This particular dance features stories from Indian epic poetry and the Puranas. The meaning of Bayalata is ‘open theater drama’. It marks the end of harvest season. Popularly, the theme for this dance is the story of Koti and Cennayya, which has a strong importance for the people of Tulu Nadu.

This is a famous dance of the Braj region of the Indian state of Utter Pradesh. Braj region is the land of Krishna and his consort Radha. This dance is performed by veiled women in a group. While dancing, they balance large multi-tiered circular wooden pyramids on their heads, alight with 108 oil lamps. They dance to the strains of 'rasiya' - songs of Krishna. Charkula is mainly performed on the third day after Holi. This is the day when Radha was born. 

All these dances are very simple to learn. You just need to practice minimum of steps or movement. There are some dances men and women perform completely, while there are others in which they perform together. In some of the occasions, dancers sing the songs themselves, while being accompanied by artists on the instruments. Every different folk dance has its own specific costume. Get Dance Facebook Covers www.fbcoverdesign.com

5 Most Popular Dances in the United State of America

The United State of America, the most powerful country in the world, is known for diverse western culture, influenced by Native American, African, Asian, Polynesian, and Latin American cultures. It encompasses the traditions and customs that are different in religion, food, clothes, language, music, dance and million other things. Be it the third largest country in the world with the population of more than 320 million, The USA presents before the universe different types of dances. It is the home of ‘hip hop dance’, and its derivative ‘Rock and Roll’, and modern square dance. 

Some of the popular American dances include swing dance, modern dance, Cajun Jig dance, cakewalk, B-Boying and many others. 

Swing Dance

Swing dance is a type of dance, which is performed in a group. It is performed with a concurrently jazz music. This prototypical dance is lindy hop, a famous partner dance, which has been originated in Harlem and is still danced today. 

Modern Dance

Developed in the early 20th century, American modern dance earlier broke with European classical forms by giving into the weight of gravity. The dance is performed by moving body from the center rather than the limbs. Characters while dancing emphasizes an emotional directness in their choreography. Lately, Liz Lerman and Mark Morris have shown that graceful, exciting movement is not restricted by age or body type.

Apart from the above-mentioned dances, there are some folk dances performed in America. Below are some of them. 

Cajun Jig

Cajun Jig is also known as pop music. This is the most traditional music. Cajun One Step in this dance is among the simplest of Cajun dance forms. This dance has been popular in Louisiana since the late 1980s and early 1990s. It is performed too fast or slow with Cajun music played under 2/4 or 4/4 timing. 

Cakewalk Dance

Cakewalk Dance, which is also written as Cake-Walk, is a dance, originated from the ‘Prize Walks’. Earlier it was performed only by men, but now women can also participate in this dance. Thus, the original dance changed into a grotesque dance, which is now very popular throughout the country. 


B-Boying is also known as breaking or breakingdancing. This is a style of the street dance, which is born by African American and Puerto Rican youths in New York City. It has been popular since early 1980s worldwide, especially in the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Russia and South Korea. In this type of dance, dancers show four kinds of movement: toprock, downrock, power moves, and freezes. 

Even though modern trends allow for much wider varieties of music along certain ranges of tempo and beat patterns, characters perform B-Boying typically with funk music, hip-hop and mainly breakbeats. 

Bottom Line

The bottom line is that there are many other types of folk and traditional dances performed in the United State of America. They are Cajun Jitterbug, Square Dance, Contra Dance, Virginia Reel, Zydeco dance, Clogging and many others.

Update Your Mood As Status On Facebook and Let Your Friends Know About Your Feelings

Emotions, feelings or state of mood have become common to update as a status on social media sites. These days, facebook is popularly used as a vibrant social channel to add emoticon-based status updates to your profile. It allows every user to update their mood as a status on their page and let their friends know about it. This feature enables people to plug in emoticons to this social networking site along or realize emoticons of others and throw into the comment box their suggestion and advice. 

With this feature, you are able to post a status of various categories such as feelings (happy, sad, tired), watching (American idol, Disney, Mickey Mouse), reading (all star superman), drinking (tea, coffee,) playing (xbos, basketball, soccer) and much more. You can see that facebook provides you with quite a large field of activities that you do every day, from mood to hobbies, even recreational activities.

Updating or installing your mood as status on facebook is quite simple. All you need to is to visit a website, select a picture, and click the upload button. You will see that your image has automatically been added to your photo album on your Facebook. 

There are many websites that offer you options to pick up the images or pictures and customize it according to your mood. If you are happy, just click on the image and type out your mood. You can choose even a slew of pre-set moods with your own emoticons. With the service of such websites, you are able to customize your facebook covers in accordance with your mood and temperament. 

For using mood covers feature of facebook, you need to find a smashing cover. You can find smashing cover pictures or images online and modify them according to your likes and dislikes. For being able to choose a mood cover from a website, you will need to login with facebook account. Once you are logged in, select a smiley that is suitable for your mood. After that, write certain message if you want to share to describe your mood or you can type your name instead. Once you are done with this, hit the click button and create and upload the status. 

These simple steps will create your facebook mood cover. The popular websites will provide you with a large number of covers for your facebook profile. You can choose these cover pictures by using the search feature provided by the website. Thus, experience the advantages of it by explaining your new mood timeline cover to your Friends and Family.

Since the timeline feature allows your friends look at any photo, activity, video, status update and timeline cover photo, updating your mood status will help your friends know about your current mood and they can easily share their views or ideas about it. 

So, find a reliable and popular website. Pick a relevant image that suites your mood. Type your status or message you want to convey to your friends. Upload it on your Facebook profile in order to let your friends and family know about your mood.